
Futuristic Post-Apocalypse/Climate Collapse

Near-Future, Post-Apocalyptic/Post-Collapse Earth analogue world in the year 2247. Advanced technology is common among the city-states, but rarer in the wastelands. Such as AI, robotics, cybernetics, drones, bioengineering and renewable energies. One hundred and twenty years after a world-wide climate crisis caused global instability, famines, wars, conflicts and mass displacement of the population. The old world’s governments have collapsed. Any remnants have shifted towards either egalitarian or dystopian extremes. The largest population centers are now city-states. Each city has a unique culture and society. Across the world, every ecosystem has been altered. The heat itself is now deadly for certain times of the year in particular places across the planet.
Massive swaths of desert and scrub land reach across the center of the continent. Large portions of the glacial ice on the planet have melted. Old world coastal cities now lie mostly underwater.
The spaces in between the few city-states have become wild and lawless. Decaying ruins of small towns, cities and suburbs spread across the landscape. Inhabited mostly by Nomads, scavengers, raiders, bandits and outlaws. Bounty hunters, mercenaries and law men from the more stable cities traverse these places hunting their targets down.WIP more coming soon.



Site update, still tweaking navigation/design.



  • None yet.


  • Images by Midjourney.




A totalitarian dictatorship and city-state. It’s run by the corporation Stability Security United (SSU/Stab Sec) and it's CEO, Durante Gage. Agiad society is insular, stratified and rigid. The lowest classes are little more than servants or laborers. The upper classes are made of high-ranking military officers or management from within the SSU corporation. Agiad is unwelcoming to outsiders and frequently aggressive towards other city-states or the Nomads. They have a large and disciplined military. Including a secret police/security force known as the Makhai, who hunt down enemies of the state.


A loosely organized culture of people who live outside the rule of the city-states. They travel across the landscape in large groups for protection, moving seasonally. Each band is usually led by one or more of it's elders. Their smallest bands can be less than a dozen. The largest ones never have more than 150 people at a time. Nomad culture is very accepting of different individuals. A person’s worth is more based around their skills, capabilities and accomplishments.



Jane "Recoil" Hart

Jane, a lone desert raider, ambushes a transport she expects to be carrying valuable goods but instead discovers a person locked inside. Unsure of their identity or intentions, she hesitates but decides to help them escape before danger arrives.

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Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga was on the hunt for one man and one man alone. An ambush by some raiders was no more than a frustration and waste of her time. She'd just about cleared them all out, when she found you. Luckily, the rifle jammed. Now you've got a little time to explain yourself. Who were you and what were you doing there?

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